Gift Yourself! Self-Care First!

T’is the season and all feel so warm and fuzzy inside! I love this time of year when I can think about how I plan to celebrate with my colleagues, friends, and family!  I also think about my favorite things and how special they make me feel!! I thought I would share them with you.

Here is my list of self-care items that make me feel special in one way or another. So, really, this list is for you to spoil yourself this time of year as you shop for everyone else. One for you, one for me...I love that version of shopping!

My FAVORITE things in the arena of beauty and health!


I am so spoiled to have such creative friends!! The byKilian line of perfume by Kilian Hennessy is my favorite line out there. Kilian has the ability to transport you to new worlds with his creations, and receive unsolicited compliments from strangers because his line is so inviting. Plus, the way he has branded and packaged everything is true art.

Both my husband and I have indulged in his fragrances, wearable perfume as art, and home products for years.

I have been so fortunate to watch the growth of this brand from the beginning since his wife, Elizabeth Jones-Hennessy and I have been friends since first grade. Her influence as his muse for my most favorite fragrance allowed me to be one of the first to sample and obsess over every item they have released throughout the years.

My favorite feature is how easy he has made it to travel with his perfume and change up the inserts of the travel spray holder. He was so conscious to make sure your gorgeous bottle could be refilled with ease. Even the design of his refills are decadent. I am sure there is a fragrance for you in his collection, you must spoil yourself this year and add one to yours.

Good Girl Gone Bad and An Invitation - Prelude to Love, Invitation are always on hand.

Plus, it doesn’t hurt that there is a giant K on it. ;)

Fitness and Nutrition

It’s no secret that I am a HUGE Isagenix fan! I have been using their nutritional supplementation and cleanse program for the last 3 years and I can’t even describe how it has changed my life.

The ease it has brought me to make sure I am getting all the nutrients and energy I need to manage my busy life. I had so many failed attempts and achieving the healthy life I desired, I was on the verge of giving up and just resigning to the fact that I could never have the strong healthy body I visualized in my head, but never saw in the mirror.

Saying yes to my first 30 day challenge was the best decision I made in January 2014, and I have continued to gift myself in this way every month ever since. This the best nutritional system that took the guess work out of what I should be doing each day to look and feel my best from the inside out! There are solutions for everyone so check it out and reach out to me with any questions, I would love to support you on your health transformation!

Gift yourself this year with the gift that just keeps on giving!

Through Isagenix, I learned about Lori Harder's Body and Soul Program and at the beginning of 2017, I signed up for her New Years challenge, and haven't stop using her workouts since. See, I am all about time efficiency and making sure that when I work out, I am getting the most out of it. Lori's 30 minute workouts met my requirements, and now I am addicted. Check out here latest challenge and jump into the tribe, your at home or in gym workouts will be way more productive and fun working out along side Lori!



Body Wash:

I am so glad my friend Alicia introduced me to the LUSH line of products. I used to go by the bath bomb store in the mall and thought it was for tweens! Until they did their store re-brand and made the desire to enter and try out everything so welcoming!


I can’t go a day without my Lush Dream Cream. This works magic on your skin, especially through the winter. It smells super fresh and compliments my fragrances. The scent is not too overpowering and the results are amazing.

My favorite body wash as of late is also a Lush product. Actually I use two, one is a body scrub and one is a wash. The name is kind of funny because it is so not me: Happy Hippy. It has a citris fragrence that I love. Citrus tends to wake me up and make me smile!

My favorite body cleanser is Ocean Salt body and face scrub. Salt is such a great purifier for the skin and leaves everything super smooth after use. Sometimes I use it just on my hands to cleanse any negative thoughts I have during the day! 


I am so lucky to have amazing friends in the health and beauty world. My most favorite find this year is the Sassa Bella Body Flex Deodorant. Do you know how hard it is for me to find a paraban and aluminum free deodorant that actually works the way I need it to?? I can not tell you how awesome it is to have such a clean product to use daily and not stink at the end of the day.

Believe me, I have tried everything! I used to walk around with my elbows glued to my sides because the other brands simply did not work. That is not the case with this one! It is a must have!


When it comes to cleanser, toner, and eye cream, I use the Isagenix Rejuvity line. I always want to make sure what I put on my body is as clean as what I put in it!

Some of you may or may not know that I love playing with make-up and seeing the different looks I can put together. What are your thoughts on using a primer under your make-up? Did you even know there was such a thing?

For me to feel my best, I am generally wearing a bit of foundation, some bronzer, a little eye shadow and mascara on my casual days.

I recently discovered Armani’s Primer with SPF in it. I have sensitive skin that breaks out when I use SPF on my face, so when I found a Primer with SPF that is super thin and keeps my skin smooth without breakout, I fell in love! Of course I use their Luminous Silk liquid foundation too!


All I have to say is FLAWLESS!


Confidence is the best accessory, and it all comes from how you think about yourself.

A huge component of self-care is nourishing your mind to align with your own personal truth and showing up as the Badass you are, every single day!

When I looking for inspiration, I tend to lean on podcasts by Lori HarderLewis HowesTim Ferris, and Tony Robbins. All are influencers in my life and have helped me stretch into the person I am today, just by listening to how they put themselves out there and who they interview along the way.

I plan to launch my own Be A Badass podcast series in the new year and can not wait to share it with you! In the meantime, check out my favorite podcasters and find the inspiration you need to keep your mind right as you strut your stuff in 2018!

Of course, if you haven't pre-ordered my book: Be a Badass: Six Tools to Up-Level Your Life, it is a great way to gift yourself by learning the tools I leverage daily to keep my mind right!

My holiday wish for you is to pamper yourself and up-level your self-care in 2018!!

I am a strong believer in self-care being the foundation of your daily routine and adding some flare to feel your best helps you step into your day with ease. If you try any of the above and LOVE it, please share your experience with me! 

Happy Holidays!