Why You Should Stop Calling Your Business "Your Baby"

Please please please stop calling our business your baby! Your business isn’t your baby. Sure, you’ve poured your heart, soul, and countless sleepless nights into it. But, here's the kicker: businesses are meant to be assets in your wealth portfolio. They’re not supposed to be your pride and joy that you coddle and shield from the world. By treating your business like a baby, you could be setting yourself up for a world of stress and missed opportunities. Let’s dive into why this mindset might be holding you back and how shifting your perspective can lead to better outcomes for you and your business.


The Problem with the "Baby" Mindset

When you hear someone say, "This business is my baby," what do you feel? For me, it's like acid reflux—an instant signal that this founder is under immense stress. Why? Because they're experiencing the pain of detachment. Just like an overprotective parent, they’re struggling to let go as their "baby" starts walking, talking, and developing its own identity. This controlling energy can suffocate growth and innovation.

1. Emotional Attachment Hinders Objectivity
Viewing your business as your baby clouds your judgment. Emotional attachment can lead to poor decision-making, as you're more likely to make choices based on feelings rather than facts and strategic insights.

2. Stress and Burnout
The constant need to nurture and protect can lead to overwhelming stress and burnout. When you're too close to the day-to-day operations, it’s tough to take a step back and see the bigger picture.

3. Micromanagement
Founders who see their business as a baby tend to micromanage. This stifles the team’s creativity and autonomy, which are essential for growth and innovation.


Seeing Your Business as an Asset

It's time for a mindset shift. Instead of seeing your business as a baby, view it as an asset—something you’ve created and nurtured, yes, but ultimately something that stands on its own. Here’s how this shift can benefit you and your business:

1. Strategic Oversight
When you see your business as an asset, you can maintain a stance of strategic oversight. This bird's-eye view allows you to make decisions that are best for the business’s long-term success, rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day operations.

2. Easier Detachment
One day, you might want to sell your business, shut it down, or let it run itself. Detaching from an asset is far easier than letting go of a baby. This detachment is crucial for making hard decisions that maximize your business's potential.

3. Empowering Your Team
Trusting your team to run the business without constant oversight can lead to greater innovation and growth. Your role should be to guide and support, not control every aspect.


Steps to Transition from "Baby" to Business

So, how do you make this transition? Here are some actionable steps to help you view your business as the asset it truly is:

1. Set Clear Boundaries
Define your role clearly. Focus on leadership and strategic decisions, and delegate operational tasks to your team.

2. Develop a Succession Plan
Plan for the future by developing a succession plan. This ensures your business can thrive without you, making it easier to detach when the time comes.

3.Focus on Metrics
Use data to guide your decisions. By focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), you can make objective decisions that are best for the business, not just for your peace of mind.

4.Invest in Leadership Development
Invest in your team’s growth. Provide training and development opportunities that empower them to take ownership and drive the business forward.



Your business is not your baby. It's a valuable asset that deserves strategic oversight and objective decision-making. By shifting your mindset, you’ll not only reduce stress and burnout but also pave the way for greater innovation and growth. Remember, businesses are meant to evolve and eventually operate independently of their founders. Embrace this perspective, and watch your business thrive.



Why shouldn’t I treat my business like my baby?
Treating your business like a baby can lead to emotional attachment, poor decision-making, stress, and micromanagement, all of which can hinder growth and innovation.

How can I start viewing my business as an asset?
Focus on strategic oversight, develop a succession plan, use data-driven decision-making, and invest in leadership development for your team.

What are the benefits of seeing my business as an asset?
This perspective allows for easier detachment, better decision-making, and empowers your team to innovate and grow the business independently.


Ready to shift your mindset and take your business to the next level? Let’s make those hard decisions and watch your business soar! Want help to get out of your own way? Take the CEO Conundrum Quiz and identify your ideal role in your business to lead from there as you convert you baby into a real thriving business.