How to Approach Conflicts and Disagreements Within Your Team

Conflicts within a team are inevitable. They can stem from misunderstandings, misaligned goals, or simply differing perspectives. As a leader, you will face disappointments and disagreements, but what truly matters is how you respond. Handling conflicts promptly and effectively can prevent them from festering and turning into a cancer within the system of your business. The quicker you address conflicts, the faster you can achieve the results you desire. 

As a seasoned leadership and team effectiveness facilitator, before I would kick off any team initiatives, I would run a session to help the group identify and determine the guiding principles of how they will engage with each other. A HUGE part of this was to outline when conflict arises across the team, no matter what title the person had, they would all agree to approaching it the same way. This stated way of operating makes it so much easier for everyone to show up, bring their best to the table, knowing that disagreements will arise, and could lean into an agreed upon method to work through it and move forward.

I have written out this exercise for you to facilitate if you desire in my book Lead with Value, here are some additional tips to help you approach conflicts and disagreements within your team with empathy and directness.


Embrace Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the foundation of resolving conflicts. It involves swiftly identifying and articulating what’s not working while maintaining empathy and understanding for everyone involved. Here are some strategies to enhance your emotional intelligence during conflicts:

Self-Awareness: Recognize your emotions and understand how they influence your reactions.

Self-Regulation: Manage your emotions in a healthy way, staying calm and focused.

Empathy: Understand and consider the feelings and perspectives of others.

Social Skills: Build and maintain healthy relationships through effective communication.


Effective Communication Tactics

Clear and empathetic communication is crucial in conflict resolution. Here are some tactics to foster open and honest dialogue:

Active Listening: Show that you are fully engaged in the conversation by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and summarizing what you’ve heard - do not skip this step! 

Open-Ended Questions: Encourage detailed responses by asking questions that require more than a yes or no answer.

Non-Verbal Communication: Be mindful of your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.

Constructive Feedback: Provide feedback that is specific, objective, and focused on behavior rather than personality.


Powerful Questions for Conflict Resolution

Asking the right questions can help uncover the root cause of the conflict and lead to a joint solution. Here are some powerful questions to guide the conversation:

Clarifying Questions - Stop assuming you know why they have the stance they do, and ask to know for sure.

"Can you help me understand your perspective on this issue?"

"What do you believe is the main cause of our disagreement?"

Reflective Questions - create an opening to best understand what is really going on:

"How do you think this conflict is affecting our team’s performance?"

"What are you currently feeling about this situation, and how would you like to feel about it?"

Solution-Oriented Questions - try to avoid rehashing the things that got you to this point and start to talk through how you can move forward.

"What steps can we take to address this issue together?"

"How can we ensure this doesn’t happen again in the future?"

Accountability Questions:

"What is one we each learned from this incident that will make us better team players going forward?"

"What can I do differently to support a positive resolution?"


Focusing on Joint Solutions

Once the issues are clearly articulated and understood, shift the focus to finding a joint solution. This involves:

Collaborative Problem-Solving: Work together to brainstorm and evaluate potential solutions.

Mutual Agreement: Ensure that all parties agree on the chosen solution and are committed to implementing it.

Follow-Up: Schedule follow-up meetings to review progress and make adjustments as necessary.


The Power of Swift Action

Allowing conflicts to fester can lead to resentment, decreased morale, and reduced productivity. Addressing conflicts quickly not only prevents these negative outcomes but also strengthens the team’s trust and cohesion. Here’s why swift action is crucial:

Prevents Escalation: Early intervention stops conflicts from growing into larger issues.

Maintains Team Morale: Resolving conflicts quickly helps maintain a positive and collaborative team environment.

Boosts Productivity: A harmonious team is more focused and productive, driving better business results.

While conflicts are an inevitable part of team dynamics, your response to them can make all the difference. By leveraging emotional intelligence, effective communication tactics, and powerful questions, you can navigate conflicts with empathy and directness, leading your team to greater cohesion and success. Remember, the quicker you move through conflict, the faster you will achieve the results you want.


FAQs About Handling Team Conflicts

  • Why is addressing conflicts promptly so important?**

Addressing conflicts promptly prevents escalation, maintains team morale, and boosts productivity by ensuring misunderstandings are clarified and relationships are mended quickly.

  • How can I develop better emotional intelligence to handle team conflicts?

Improve emotional intelligence through self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and enhancing social skills, such as active listening and effective communication.

  • What are some specific communication tactics that can help in resolving team conflicts?

Utilize active listening, ask open-ended questions, be mindful of non-verbal communication, provide constructive feedback, and engage in collaborative problem-solving.